Active Shooter Training
It seems like there are reports of a new active shooter incident every day. Active shooter incidents are unpredictable and can evolve quickly. Every second counts when violence occurs and active shooter training can give you the knowledge and the tools to help you react quickly and make the decision whether to escape, evade, or attack. During the chaos, anyone involved can play a crucial role in lessening the impact of an active shooter incident. West Virginia Management & Safety Solution’s Active Violence Emergency Response Training (AVERT) can prepare your team with the resources to help you and your organization understand the possible warning signs and ways to respond to a potential active shooter incident.
The AVERT course teaches you and your group how to react and protect yourself and others in a violent situation, and also how to stop the bleeding of severe injuries that can often be a result of these incidences.
AVERT is taught in a “blended” training format. Participants receive online training to introduce the subject and prepare them for the instructor-led session. The instructor-led, in-person session includes active hands-on training, realistic drills, and further education.
Who Should Take the AVERT Course?
Anyone can benefit from taking the AVERT program with its active shooter response training and bleeding control techniques designed to stop the bleed in an emergency. AVERT training is appropriate for all groups and types of venues.
AVERT Is Vital for All Types of Organizations and Industries
Preparation for active shooter situations is important to ensure a safe work environment for your business and employees. Prepare your team with the knowledge needed to be able to respond if the unimaginable ever happens.
Unfortunately, the risk of facing an active shooter in a school is real and knowing how to manage the situation correctly could be a matter of life and death. Preparing for the worst-case scenarios that could one day strike your school is vital. Ensure that your staff is properly prepared and ready to act.
Universities have been the location of active shooter situations in recent years and training can help your staff and faculty observe and recognize potential threats to stop them before they happen.
Take the steps necessary to prepare for the potential of violent situations to ensure your staff, volunteers and congregation always feel safe. An active shooter response training course can help your church, synagogue, or temple members be as prepared as possible.
Companies need to make safety training a top priority. With the increased possibility of an active shooter situation at public venues and arenas, employee training including situational awareness, warning signs and what to do in the event of an active shooter situation is needed.
Supermarkets and grocery stores can be particularly vulnerable to threats of violence due to the sheer number of individuals that pass through the doors every day. Employees need to be trained how to recognize warning signs, how to escape, evade, or attack, and how to apply critical bleeding control techniques.
Active shooter situations have happened at government facilities in the past, and it is imperative for the staff to have proper training in active shooter response and stop the bleed techniques.
For offices, malls, and retail establishments, the risk of an active shooter is real, and it is vital for your staff and employees to be prepared for a worst-case scenario.
Public transportation can be particularly vulnerable to such threats of violence. The AVERT (Active Violence Emergency Response Training) program is designed to educate individuals on how to respond to the possibility of an active shooter or other violent incident, including recognizing the warning signs of potential active violence situations.
While healthcare professionals provide the emergency medical response for injuries every day, active shooter situational awareness and response can help save lives by avoiding injuries altogether. With AVERT, healthcare professionals learn the essential lifesaving tactics that can help save themselves and others during moments of immense trauma.
First responders are trained to go directly into some of the most dangerous situations. As incidences of active shooters rise, specific training on how to respond must be a priority.
Bars and nightclubs are often crowded, dark, and loud. These types of venues necessitate their employees undergo active shooter training for nightclubs. This ensures not only their protection, but the protection of their patrons as well.
Incidents can happen anywhere, at any time. Having the knowledge and ability to react quickly to life-threatening situations is critical.
Contact us for more information on active shooter training and emergency stop the bleed techniques and how West Virginia Management & Safety Solutions can help your business or organization.